11 photos   1688 visits

member since 8 June 2011

x - Aye_ThisIsCaiit - x

Hey :] . ♥ I'm Caiit . My real name is Cati . ;] But you can tell me how you want : Cati or Cait. :) ♥ Anyways , I'm new . I wanna make a lots of friends here . ♥ IL the music . IH the school . IL the photoss . IH the fakess . :} I'm a sweet girl just when I want. I'm a jocker when I wanna . <3 I'm bad when I want , If you don't leave me alone , or don't give me what I want I will apply my lessons by Karate_Ju-Tsu-Ji-Tsuu . Sure . If you don't believe mee , I will make proofs that I'm at K a r a t e . :) ♥

I know this site from a girl . Colleague with me to the Karate . Hah ! ♥
Oke'. I wanna see what's here . So ? Goin' to make a tour :] ♥
#CaiiiiitRawrssYouu ♥
♥ Awh _ Beeeib ♥
♥ Awh _ Beeeib ♥
♥ Lets party like a real rebel girl ♥
♥ Lets party like a real rebel girl ♥

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